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                发布时间:2018-12-24 20:46 | 编辑:山西悦瀚铸管 | 12 次浏览
                2019最全球墨铸铁㊣ 管安装知识









                        五.各类井施工▆时,应先砌□ 筑井筒至设计地面下200mm-300mm处,然后在施工道路面层时,按路面找平安装盖座及井盖,以井盖与实际路面平为准,绿化带范围内的检查井井盖→商出绿化带设计地面100mm,道路红线以外的阀门井井口高出现状地面200mm,所有检查井均需要做防渗处理.给水管泄水湿井应设在管道附近无其它管道▲的位置;泄水湿法井排水管道采用混凝土管.井盖:井盖在机动车道上采用重型钢筋混凝土井盖,在非机动车道上采用轻型钢筋混凝土井盖,阀门井.排气井.泄水井的井盖上应注明“中水”字样或标记.

                        六.管道防腐球墨铸铁管及管件的内壁均采用水泥砂浆内衬防腐,外壁⌒ 均采用环氧煤沥青防腐,球墨铸铁管的内.外防@腐均应在管道出厂前完成.钢管及钢管件在制造厂加工完毕后,应在厂内进行喷砂除锈,除锈达到Sa2.5级,除∮锈完毕后钢管及钢管件应立即在厂内进行预先防腐々处理,内壁均采用水泥砂浆内衬防腐,外壁均采用四二布环氧煤沥肝防腐.






                管道在转弯处,改变︻弯径处,三通.阀门等⌒ 处均应设置止堆礅.






                        十.管道々试压管道安装完毕,且未全部回填土前应进行管道水压试验,管道试验压力为1.5MPa,管道水压试验应执行国家标准《给水@ 排水管道工程施工及验收规范》(GB50268-97).




                Nodular cast iron pipe installation needs and related knowledge

                        1. Pipes and fittings are made of ductile iron with a design working pressure of 1.0 MPa and a single pipe length of 6 meters; pipe fittings are made of ductile iron; pipe fittings are made of T-shaped rubber ring bearing joints; branch pipe design slope is 0.003 and flows to main pipe.

                        2. Construction preparation for installation procedure of ductile iron pipe trench excavation trench inspection pipe placing pipe material quality inspection pipe opening rust removal pipe excavation drainage inspection of sealing rubber ring installation pipe inspection of installation quality backfill pipe body chest soil to pipe top 500 mm linear section tightness test backfill soil

                        3. Pipeline trench excavation should be carried out after the construction of road soil foundation. Slope excavation should be carried out according to soil quality. The National Standard "Construction and Acceptance of Water Supply and Drainage Pipeline Project" (GB50268-97) shall be implemented.

                        1. Check the permanent leveling point first, set a temporary leveling point every 100 m or so along the line, leveling measurement, type K as the one-way distance between the measurement section, in km. Blocking difference should not be greater than 10 K (mm) 2. According to the depth of excavation and soil and design drawings to determine the section of excavation, to leave enough working face, in the site facilities excavation edge line, soil and pile boundary and Temporary land use.

                        3. After excavation, it is found that the abnormal soil at the bottom of the groove can not meet the construction requirements, so it is necessary to contact the relevant departments in time to study the treatment measures. 4. The width of the groove bottom and the allowable deviation of the elevation (+20mm.5). Work pit should be excavated at the joint of the pipeline. The working pit size: width: pipe diameter + 1.2m length: 0.5m depth at both ends of the pipe mouth: cast iron pipe connection. The excavation of 0.3m6.trench at the entrance adopts 1.0m3 excavator to cooperate with manual excavation. The excavation earthwork is temporarily piled on one side of the trench and on the other side as a working face for placing pipelines and installation. When excavating 20cm from the bottom of the ditch, it is cleaned manually to ensure that the original soil of the ditch is not disturbed.

                        4. When there is no groundwater in the buried depth of pipeline foundation, the original soil of pipeline foundation is compacted and the fine sand cushion with thickness of 200 mm is made. When there is groundwater, the fine sand cushion with thickness of 250 mm is made.

                        5. When constructing all kinds of wells, the wellbore should be built to 200 mm-300 mm below the design ground first, and then the safety cover and well cover should be found according to the road surface. The level of the well cover and the actual road surface should be taken as the standard. The inspecting wellbore cover within the Green Belt should be 100 mm above the design ground, and the valve wellbore outside the red line should be high above the ground. 200 mm, all inspection wells are required to do anti-seepage treatment. Water supply drainage wells should be located in the vicinity of the pipeline without other pipes; water drainage wells using concrete pipes. Well. The "cover" should be marked on the manhole cover of the drain well.

                        6. The inner wall of pipeline anticorrosive ductile iron pipes and fittings is anticorrosive with cement mortar lining, the outer wall is anticorrosive with epoxy coal tar pitch, and the inner and outer anticorrosive of ductile iron pipes should be finished before the pipeline leaves the factory. After the steel pipes and fittings are processed in the manufacturer's factory, they should be sandblasted and rusted in the factory, and the rust removal can reach Sa2.5 grade. Pipes and steel pipe fittings should be pre-treated in the factory immediately. The inner walls are anticorrosion lined with cement mortar, and the outer walls are anticorrosion lined with tetradecyl epoxy coal.





