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                发布时间:2019-02-27 22:40 | 编辑: | 84 次浏览
                悦瀚铸管在球墨铸铁管安装技术的创新及发展 目前国际上通用的无承口管箍式直管和管件(即本文着重介绍的新型柔性接口铸铁排水管材及管件),按其接口型式分为A型柔性接口(法兰压盖连接)和W型柔性接口(管箍连接)两种,简称A型和W型。 1.1新型柔性接口铸铁排水管采用高速离心铸造技术,具有组织致密、管壁薄厚均匀、内外壁光滑、无沙眼和夹渣、抗拉与抗压强度高,产品具有化学成分稳定、耐腐蚀、防火无毒、符合消防安全环Ψ 保要求...





                Innovation and development of China's ductile iron pipe installation technology

                       Nowadays, there are two kinds of pipe fittings (a new type of cast iron drainage pipe and pipe fittings with flexible interface introduced in this paper) which are generally used in the world. According to their interface types, they are divided into two types: A-type flexible interface (flange cover connection) and W-type flexible interface (pipe coupling connection).

                       1.1 A new type of flexible interface cast iron drain pipe adopts high speed centrifugal casting technology. It has compact structure, uniform thickness of pipe wall, smooth inner and outer wall, no trachoma and slag, high tensile and compressive strength. The product has stable chemical composition, corrosion resistance, non-toxic fire protection, in line with fire safety and environmental protection requirements, no noise, no deformation, and so on. The advantages of long service life.

                       1.2A type pipe: A type pipe has the advantages of high strength, low noise, good fireproof performance, long service life, flexibility and good seismic performance of its connection, but it is found in practical engineering that the installation space of socket joint is large, the pipe body is bulky and consumes more steel, especially in high-rise buildings, which is difficult to be accepted by the construction party. 




                ?       1.2 A型管:A型管は強度が高く、ノイズが低く、耐火性が良く、使用寿命が長く、その接続可能なフレキシブルと耐震性能の良い利点がありますが、実際の工程では、受け継ぎの部位に必要な取り付けスペースが大きいことを発見しました。です。





