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                发布时间:2020-10-16 13:11 | 编辑: | 43 次浏览



                  1. 沥青漆涂层 沥青漆涂层是用于输送燃气的管道。喷漆前对管子进行预热可以提高沥青漆ζ 的附着力,加速干燥。

                  2. 水泥砂浆内衬+特俗涂层 这种内防腐措施适用于输送污水的管道,可以提高内衬的抗腐蚀能力。

                  3. 环氧煤沥青涂层 环氧煤沥青涂层既适用于燃气管道,也适用于污水管道。它是一种双组分涂层,该涂层具有较高的附着力和非常光滑的表面。

                  4.环氧陶瓷内衬 环氧陶瓷内衬适用于污水管道和燃气管道,但是由于制造工艺难度大,成本高,所以在使用上有一定的局限性。环氧陶瓷内衬具有很高的附着力和光洁度,是一种极好的防腐蚀涂层。

                  5. 铝酸盐水泥涂层和硫酸盐水泥涂层 这两种特殊水泥涂层均适用于污水管道用球墨铸铁管的内防腐,提高抵抗污水中酸碱成分的侵蚀能力。

                  6. 聚氨酯涂层 是一种特殊涂层,一种高档次涂层。

                山西悦瀚球墨铸管铁管 ,专业生产〓厂家,产品种类齐全,价格实惠,欢迎新老顾客来电咨询!

                How to prevent corrosion of ductile iron pipe?

                        Ductile iron pipe is the best water supply and drainage pipeline, most of the ductile iron pipe, but how to deal with the oxidation of ductile iron pipe? We need to spray paint on the shape of ductile iron pipe, which can also prolong the service life.

                        1. Asphalt paint coating is used for transporting gas pipeline. Preheating the pipe before painting can improve the adhesion of asphalt paint and accelerate drying.

                        2. Cement mortar lining + special coating is suitable for sewage pipeline, which can improve the corrosion resistance of lining.

                        3. Epoxy coal tar pitch coating is suitable for both gas pipeline and sewage pipeline. It is a two-component coating with high adhesion and a very smooth surface.

                        4. Epoxy ceramic lining epoxy ceramic lining is suitable for sewage pipeline and gas pipeline, but due to the difficulty of manufacturing process and high cost, it has certain limitations in use. Epoxy ceramic lining has high adhesion and finish, which is an excellent anti-corrosion coating.

                        5. Aluminate cement coating and sulfate cement coating are both suitable for internal anti-corrosion of ductile iron pipe for sewage pipeline, which can improve the corrosion resistance of acid and alkali components in sewage.

                        6. Polyurethane coating is a special coating, a high-grade coating.

                Shanxi Yuehan ductile iron pipe, professional manufacturer, complete product range, affordable price, welcome new and old customers to inquire!














