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                发布时间:2018-08-20 07:52 | 编辑:山西球墨铸铁管,晋城球墨铸铁管 | 164 次浏览
                球墨铸铁管退火炉节能措施(一) 降低球墨铸铁管在退火炉内的热焓增量。 球墨铸铁管在退火炉内的热焓增量主要由球铁◤管在炉内加热的温度和球铁管的入炉温度决定,因此降低球铁管在炉内的热焓增量主要是降低退火温度和提高球铁▆管的入炉温度。 合理制定不同管径的退火温度 球铁管的退火温度愈低,就愈节省燃█料〗,但是球铁管→的退火工艺规定退火炉加热段炉气温度为1050~1100℃,保温段炉气□ 温度为960 ~1000℃,为了确保球铁管的...





                        球铁管的退火温度愈低,就愈节省燃料,但是球铁管的退火工艺规定退火炉加热段炉气温度为1050~1100℃,保温段炉气温度为960 ~1000℃,为了确保球铁≡管的退火质量,在工艺允许的条件下,应尽量按照下限进行炉温控制,特别是㊣小口径的管子可以适当降低加热段炉气温度。





                        确定合理的加热温度●和退火时间  球墨铸铁管的退火工艺要求退火温度不宜过高,退火时间也不宜过长,这对于节约〒能源以及减小球铁管的变形是很有利的。但是退火温度和退火时间是相互制约的,降低退火温度就要增加退火时间;缩短退火时间就要提■高退火温度,否则就会大大降低球铁管的延♀伸率。针对这种情况,根据以往的经◆验,在满足退火工艺要求而又不使管子变形超差的条件↘下,确定了不同规格的球铁管在退火炉加热段的退火温度和退火时间。


                Energy saving measures for ductile iron pipe annealing furnace (1)

                Energy saving measures for ductile tube annealing furnace

                        Reducing enthalpy increment of ductile iron pipe in annealing furnace

                The enthalpy increment of ductile iron pipe in annealing furnace is mainly determined by the heating temperature of ductile iron pipe in furnace and the entering temperature of ductile iron pipe.

                        Reasonable annealing temperature for different tube diameters

                        The lower the annealing temperature of ductile iron pipe, the more fuel will be saved. However, the annealing process of ductile iron pipe stipulates that the furnace temperature in the heating section of annealing furnace is 1050-1100 C and the furnace temperature in the insulation section is 960-1000 C. In order to ensure the annealing quality of ductile iron pipe, the furnace temperature should be controlled according to the lower limit as far as possible, especially when the process permits. It is a small diameter tube that can properly reduce the gas temperature of the heating section.

                        Increasing the inlet temperature of ductile tube

                        In the production process, it is an important way to make full use of the waste heat of materials at the end of the previous process to save energy. According to the theoretical calculation, when the ductile iron tube is heated to 1000 C, the energy consumption per ton tube is reduced by 320000kJ when the ductile iron tube is heated to 600 C compared with 25 C. The coke oven gas can be saved about 20m3 or the heavy oil can be saved about 8kg. The annealing capacity of the annealing furnace of the casting company is about twice that of the existing centrifuge, so the intermittent centralized annealing method is adopted. On the premise of continuous annealing, the heat pipe should be put into the furnace first, and the transfer time of the heat pipe should be shortened, so that the temperature of half of the tubes can be raised from ambient temperature to about 600 C. Thus, the heat delivery ratio and the inlet temperature of the pipe are increased, and the energy saving effect is remarkable.

                        Improving the thermal efficiency of annealing furnace

                        For continuous ductile iron tube annealing furnace, the annealing process is special, the furnace body is long, the span is large, and the quench section is forced to cool, so the thermal efficiency is low. For the annealing furnace whose structure has been determined, the operation of the annealing furnace is the only way to improve the thermal efficiency of the furnace.

                        Determining the reasonable heating temperature and annealing time requires that the annealing temperature should not be too high and the annealing time should not be too long, which is beneficial to saving energy and reducing the deformation of ductile iron pipe. However, annealing temperature and annealing time are mutually constrained, reducing the annealing temperature will increase the annealing time; shortening the annealing time will increase the annealing temperature, otherwise it will greatly reduce the elongation of ductile iron pipe. In view of this situation, the annealing temperature and annealing time of nodular iron tubes with different specifications in the heating section of the annealing furnace are determined according to the past experience under the condition of satisfying the requirements of annealing process without excessive deformation of the tubes, as shown in the table.









                        生産の過程で、上の工程の終了時の物料の余熱を十分に利用して、エネルギーを節約する重要なルートである。理論の計算によって、ボールの鉄管は1000℃まで加熱して、600℃の入炉と25℃の入炉に比べてトン管のエネルギー消費は3200 kJを下げて、焦炉のガスの約20 m 3または重油の8 kgを節約することができます。鋳管会社の退火炉の退火能力は、既存の離心機の生産能力の2倍であるため、間欠式に集中して火を引く方法を採った。ストーブの上線を退ける時に連続して退火することを保証することを前提にして、熱管が先に炉に入って、熱管の転送時間を短縮して、半分の管の入炉温度を環境温度から600℃ぐらいまで向上させます。これによって、パイプの熱送り率と入炉温度を高め、省エネ効果が顕著になった。
















