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                发布时间:2018-07-28 17:17 | 编辑: | 18 次浏览
                给水管、供水管、都是采用的球墨铸铁管 供水铸铁管可承受较大的工作压力,耐腐蚀,价格低廉。涂沥青后沥青管内Ψ壁光滑,因此广泛应用于外部供水管道。然而,它的缺↙点是硬而脆,重量很重,而且施工困⌒难。公称通径DN75?DNl500,工作压力0.45,0.75,1.00MPa等。 铸铁管接头通常为插座,法兰※和柔性接口三种。供水铸铁管根据材质不同分为供水铸铁管和供水球墨铸铁管两种。由于具有强度高,韧性好,密封性能好,抗ζ腐蚀能力强,安...




                        灰铸铁管过去通常称为铸铁管。灰铸铁管根据不同的铸造方法分为砂铸离心铸铁直管和连铸铸铁立管。砂ζ 铸离心铸铁管根据壁厚分为P,G两种。连铸铸铁立管根据壁厚分为LA,A和B三个等级。这些有关已发布和使用的各种设计手册的更详细的技①术信息∴。根据不同的接口方式,供水球墨铸铁【管分为K型机械柔性接◆口管和T型插座型柔性接口管。这种受附件数※量较少影响推广应用的管道基本得到了缓解。有大型制造▆商专门生产家居建筑配件。根据现■有资料,综合比较了供水球墨铸铁管的耐压,耐蚀等功能及管材成本①,开挖施工,维护等费用,实际施工中所选管径DN200-DN800其优点更为突出。

                Water supply, water supply ductile iron pipe

                        Water supply cast iron pipes can withstand large working pressure (0.45 ~ 1.00 MPa), corrosion resistance, and low price. The inner wall of asphalt pipe is smooth after being coated with asphalt, and thus it is widely used on external water supply pipes. However, its disadvantages are hard and brittle, heavy weight, and difficult construction. Nominal diameter from DN75 ~ DNl500, working pressure 0.45,0.75,1.00MPa and so on.

                        Cast iron pipe joints are usually socket, flange and flexible interface three. Water-supply cast iron pipes are divided into two types: water supply cast iron pipe and water supply ductile iron pipe according to different materials. Due to the advantages of high strength, toughness, good sealing performance, strong anti-corrosion ability, and convenient installation and construction, the water supply ductile iron pipe has become an alternative product to the gray cast iron pipe pipe as compared with the gray cast iron pipe.

                        The gray cast iron pipe is usually called the cast iron pipe in the past. The grey cast iron pipe is divided into sand centrifugal cast iron straight pipe and continuous cast iron riser according to different casting methods. The sand cast centrifugal cast iron pipe is divided into P and G according to the wall thickness. Continuous cast iron risers are classified into three levels of LA, A and B according to the wall thickness. These have more detailed technical information on various design manuals that have been published and used. The water supply ductile iron pipe is divided into K type mechanical flexible interface pipe and T type socket type flexible interface pipe according to different interface modes. This type of pipe, which is affected by the small number of accessories and influences the promotion and application, has basically been eased. There are large-scale manufacturers specializing in the production of accessories for domestic construction. According to available data, comprehensive comparison of the water supply ductile iron pipe pressure, corrosion resistance and other functions and pipe costs, excavation construction, maintenance and other costs, the actual construction of the selected pipe diameter in DN200-DN800 its advantages are more prominent.



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